Praise from Clinicians and Adjudicators
Bay MS String Orchestra, Congratulations for an excellent performance today. Your individual and ensemble playing shows much evidence of thorough teaching and hard work. The control of the varied and challenging stylistic requirements of these pieces was very impressive. I hope to hear you again in high school orchestra - and beyond. |
"Bay - Wow! This was the perfect program to showcase your strengths! PLEASE continue to work with your director, you are all on a great path!"
— Edward Zunic, State Contest Judge (2019) |
"Bay Orchestra - Thank you for the hard work and dedication that went into preparing this detailed and expressive performance!"
— Jay Wardeska, State Contest Judge (2020) |
"This was a very musical performance showing great talent, effort and teaching! You play with very nice tone and intonation. Great energy and style throughout! (Yes, even "cool" style!) Congrats to you and your fine director!"
— John Krumm, State Contest Judge (2019) |
"Bay Middle School Orchestra: It was my pleasure to hear such a well prepared and musical ensemble. Great balance and pitch matching skills demonstrated today. Stylistically superb! Outstanding transparency between sections and individual performers. Please thank your fine teachers! You should be very proud of this orchestra!"
—Thomas Brucoli, Large Group Contest Judge (2017) |
"A wonderful performance tonight, Bravo! Keep searching for those moments when your part is important and bring it out, let it sing! Your director is doing a great job, thank her for performing such great music!"
—Anthony Springer, State Contest Judge (2016) |
"So very musical! Phrasing was very nice! You know how to shape a melodic line and go beyond what is written - BRAVO!"
— John Krumm, State Contest Judge (2019) |
"Orchestra, I am impressed with your ability to adjust to correct any pitch concerns. Great ears! A very musical and expressive performance."
— Donald Jenkins, Large Group Contest Judge (2019) |
"Bay - 1) Thank your teacher! 2) Congratulations on a spirited and musical performance. You read with accuracy and energy. I really enjoyed hearing you - all the best."
—Pam Thiel, State Contest Sight-reading Judge (2016) |
As we have gone through all the challenges and changes of this last quarter, I would put yesterday as a true highlight. Yesterday I had the opportunity to join Mrs. Singler and the Orchestra as they did a rehearsal for tonight’s performance. The opportunity to see all the students, to watch Mrs. Singler conduct and lead virtually, and then to listen to the feedback of the students after the rehearsal was a lot of fun. The opportunity to witness great teaching and learning and have student interaction is why I've always loved my job, and yesterday reminded me of why I am so honored to be a part of Bay High School. I would like to thank Mrs. Singler and the Orchestra for their enthusiasm, their work, and their desire to continue creating, performing and playing music over this challenging period. It has been truly inspiring to witness their passion for music and their pride in being part of the Bay High School Orchestra.
Jason Martin
Bay High School Principal (Intro to BHS Virtual Spring Concert 2020)