The following are the 2014-2015 Section Leaders. Congratulations to these young men and women! Fall Concert Violin I Jordann Schach & Andrea Bliscik Violin II Mallory Schroeder & Anna Walker Viola Annamarie McGuire & Sam Fiorella Cello Emma Chalk & Harper Tindall Bass Claire Reid & Evan Harms Holiday Concert Violin I Marla Seicean & Alex Greenberg Violin II Anna Walker & Mallory Schroeder Viola Annamarie McGuire & Sam Fiorella Cello Emma Chalk & Harper Tindall Bass Claire Reid & Evan Harms Winter Concerts Violin I Rachel Boggess & Bethany Comienski Violin II Mallory Schroeder & Anna Walker Viola Annamarie McGuire & Sam Fiorella Cello Emma Chalk & Harper Tindall Bass Claire Reid & Evan Harms Spring Concert Violin I Jordann Schach & Andrea Bliscik Violin II Mallory Schroeder & Anna Walker Viola Annamarie McGuire & Sam Fiorella Cello Emma Chalk & Harper Tindall Bass Claire Reid & Evan Harms GENERAL SEATING There were many exceptional playing tests this year - we had more Tier 12 achievers than in any other year. It was a pleasure to hear so many of you perform so well! The current Fall Seating is attached. Please bear in mind that ALL Freshmen Violinists have been assigned to play in the second violin section their first year but are seated by Tier within that section. All other students are seated by Tier System (First by Tier Rating, then by grade within the Tier). The general seating will be used for the first few weeks of school, then will be subject to change as students elect to take seating retakes on SmartMusic. All retakes will be over the same excerpts as your Final Exam, so feel free to start working if you are motivated! If you would like me to e-mail you a copy of your playing test rubric so you can see where you did well and where you struggled I would be happy to do so. I can also send you mp3's of your excerpts if you would like to hear any of it again. Best wishes for a wonderful summer! [email protected] ![]()
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May 2024
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